GoCreate.me is owned and operated by Creative Communication Solutions Ltd., a company incorporated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Creative Communication Solutions Ltd. is the company name and logo that will appear on my PayPal page and invoices.
I’m just a one-person company that happens to be incorporated. My name is Caro Bégin. I write fiction under two pen names, and I’ve been building websites for over fifteen years. Before that, I had various careers, including two years overseas teaching English as a second language. The two years prior to that were spent teaching various subjects at a naval engineering school. Based on the feedback I received, I’m pretty good at simplifying complex things and providing clear instructions. I’ll let you be the judge of that.
If you attend writers’ conferences, you may have met me (most likely while hanging out at the bar). I’m in my mid-forties, I have curly brown hair, and I speak with a faint French-Canadian accent.

Need more proof that I know what I’m doing?